Welcome to our shot clinic!  Below, you will find our hours.  Please be informed that we do close shot clinic for major  holidays and inclement weather.  Also, there may be weeks in the year where the shot clinic closes due to annual conferences.  These should be posted in the clinic well in advance, so that you may plan accordingly.  Please call our office if you are uncertain if we are open any given day.  Thank you for allowing us to care for you!

Mon:   7:30 am- 6:20 pm (may call clinic to make appointment for shots) 

Tues:   7:30 am- 6:20 pm (may call clinic to make appointment for shots)

Wed:  7:30 am- 4:20 pm (may call clinic to make appointment for shots)

Thurs:  7:30 am- 4:20 pm (may call clinic to make appointment for shots)

Fri:   7:30 am- 11:20 am (may call clinic to make appointment for shots)